
  • Blissful Habits with health coach Debbie Johnson has made a big difference in what I thought was a good life. Focusing on 10 key habits has made a quality difference in everyday living for me. I have struggled with digestion issues for many years. I had accepted that it's the way life is. Well, I discovered it doesn't have to be an issue. One of the habits alone changed my digestive system and the way I handle food and diet ... And there's 9 more Life Changing Habits. Truly worth the course. I'm 70 now, and I feel greater than ever! This program will change your life.

    Barb Olyniuk
  • Debbie’s Blissful Habits course helped bring back some stability into my life. Working irregular shifts had my life feeling like it was all over the place. However, through this 10 week course, I was able to shift some old habits to more positive behaviours that created a sense of balance in my life. The most notable change for me was my sleep habits. For the last 5 or so years I’ve had a difficult time falling asleep at night. Even when I was able to fall asleep I would wake up usually multiple times a night. This program helped develop habits that help me to fall asleep faster and sleep sounder. That change alone has had an impact on virtually every other area of my life! I would recommend this program to anyone looking for a little more ease and stability in their life. The power of having a like-minded group of individuals supporting you and going through the same process really can’t be understated.

    Emily Doucette
  • This last year has done a number on my energy levels and led to the development of some bad habits to try find little boosts of energy to get through my days: relying on sugar and caffeine, not eating regularly or making the healthiest choices, etc. See image! As I approached the boys’ one year birthday, I decided to take this course through a health coach: Blissful Habits. It was amazing and has helped me so much - focusing on 10 key habits. I highly recommend it for anyone looking to make some big (or small) changes in their life to feel like you are thriving vs dragging yourself through every day! Contact my coach Debbie Johnson if you are interested in getting in on her next online course.

    Katie Crockett
  • As an active 60ish year old woman, I had been struggling with some of the effects of menopause; brain fog, weight gain, sluggishness and digestive issues. Working with Deb and following only two of her recommendations has made a huge difference and three years later it is still as beneficial as month one. Three years ago I began drinking three glasses of warm lemon water first thing in the morning, then doing at least 15 minutes of exercise to start the day. These two habits have given me an increase in energy, decreased and most of the time eliminated the brain fog, improved my digestive system and helped the extra weight stay off. As a Coach Deb listened to my concerns, and suggested doable daily changes that I continue three years later.

    Lori Boyko
  • I have had several occasions to seek Deb out for Reiki treatment for persistent lower back pain and sciatica. On each occasion, I was physically and emotionally touched by her ability to release and shift energy in my body with results that were very much desirable. Deb has deep insight in this field and she combines this with crafted skill and heartfelt compassion. While I continue to enjoy numerous wellness modalities as part of my self-care regime, I am grateful to have discovered the healing powers of Reiki along with aromatherapy and, beginning this evening, Yoga Nidra. I am excited and blessed at the thought of just being. My back is feeling pretty darn good too!! Thank you for Blilssfully U. Rita

    Rita Werlhe
  • I have known Debbie for close to 20 years and watched as she went through some of life’s struggles. Her journey has not been an easy one. Throughout her own journey Debbie has found tools and coping strategies that she is willing and able to share with those who ask for her help. On several occasions Debbie has performed Reiki on me and I have always found it relaxing. Her caring and positive aura puts everyone at ease. On Using essential oils: I started using Lavender essential oil as a sleep aid with excellent results! Recently, Debbie and I worked together to create an essential oil blend that not only smells amazing but also keeps me alert and focused without the jitters of coffee. I diffuse this blend in my office frequently and I make sure to use it when I’m doing particularly mundane tasks. I even have this blend in a roller bottle that I carry with me in my purse. I just love it! I’m excited to see what we come up with next!

    Mel Gemmill
  • This is the most relaxing I have ever felt! The combination of the oils used for stress reduction & building the immune system are to die for! I would have a session weekly if I had the time for it.

    Anna Doucette
  • Debbie suggested an essential oil blend (Sandalwood, Frankincense Bergamot & Patchouli) to use in my diffuser specifically for stress reduction. It's my favourite blend. When I get home from a stressful day at work, I can settle in for the eve with the blend wafting out of my diffuser, and let go of all the chatter in my head, and totally relax & rejuvenate. I am now looking forward to my Christmas cheer blend! Thanks Debbie.

    Donna Lagimodiere
  • I have known Debbie for a couple of years now and she has helped me through some tough spots. I was feeling a little extra drained, down and anxious at one point, and Debbie convinced me to let her perform some Reiki on me. I will honestly say I was a little sceptical but I figured I had nothing to lose by trying. So she went out of her way and came to me and proceeded to amaze me with her process. I was able to feel relaxed for the first time in weeks and my body felt at peace. She did such an amazing job she even calmed one of my hyper cats down, which is no easy task. Highly recommend Debbie and that reminds me I need to book another session.

    Bobbi Nicol