It's an inside job

What do you think when you hear the term 'health coach'? If you're like most people, you think of eating healthy food, exercise, and possibly losing some weight that's crept up on you over the years. 
What if I was to let you in on a big secret? What if there was a whole lot more to it; mental health, emotional health, spiritual health; a calm yet vibrant life? 
That's exactly what Blissful Habits can offer you, If you're willing to open your mind and heart and learn a few different habits than you currently subscribe to, you will begin to see what's on the inside that can change the trajectory of your life. This is where the real work actually begins.
We tend to focus on the external world far too much; our appearance, our home, our material wealth. That's the world we live in, and that's what mass media wants us to focus on (translation… marketing which keeps us in this consumerism mindset). This leads to waste, so much waste, in our landfills, in our homes, and even in our minds in the form of clutter. 
This consumerism, and our fast pace is designed to keep us on this treadmill, chasing happiness in our external environment… which is just not attainable.  

Enter the Ayurvedic health coach! What I'd like you to know is that happiness is an inside  job. Getting physically healthy is just the beginning of the journey! It's much like peeling an onion. Once we attain physical health through healthier daily rituals, we become more aware of our emotional patterns and feeling, our outdated programming, and most likely our lack of intuition and spiritual connectedness. More often than not, they are patterns and programs that don't serve us well. If we stay the course, see within, solutions begin to materialize and we evolve into better versions of us. 

We all strive for a vibrant life, yet we typically sabotage ourselves when we are challenged by the stories and identities we hold on to. I know this from my own experiences while shifting my habits. My stories, limiting beliefs and the outdated identity of me surfaced as I peeled away the layers.There were some sticky times, challenges and barriers to break, but I'm here today, thriving in this life, ready to share the process, and support you as you navigate your way through to a vibrant version of you! What I thought was a great life, has turned into more than I imagined possible, and it keeps shifting and getting even better than I dreamed! There is no destination, it's truly a lifetime journey of discovery. 

The Blissful Habits group will guide you through the steps, and support you through the identity shift required to become the thriving vibrant version of you, well beyond your physical health. If you desire a more meaningful life, it's what you will achieve in this group, once committed to change. It's not for the faint of heart. It will guide you into your vibrant blissful self!

Schedule a free session today to determine if you are ready for Blissful habits. 

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